28 June 2007

down the hatch...

Some time ago, I was speaking with a friend who had been a paramedic. And in the course of conversation, she mentioned that usually drunk drivers survive the car accidents they cause. The innocent folk they run into bear the brunt of injury. She had some intriguing ideas about why that might be, but basically, it is in general an accepted fact. So I had this idea...

We should introduce legislation mandating that in order to occupy a motor vehicle, one must be legally drunk.

Think of it. An immediate dramatic decrease in traffic-related deaths. The economy booms as alcoholic beverage sales go through the roof and the auto body industry increases significantly. The American farmer enjoys new demand for the grains from which to make the necessary whiskey and beer to keep America safe. Whole areas of government bureaucracy are eliminated as the ATF becomes merely the TF. And with a shift to pure ethyl alcohol for auto fuel, we could kill two birds with one stone, providing the liquor to lower traffic deaths while saving the environment by eliminating our dependence on foreign oil.

There are a few minor considerations. We will likely need to have some sort of subsidy so that even the economically disadvantaged can afford to get properly intoxicated. Also, the drinking age must be eliminated so that we can provide safety for all vehicular passengers. We must protect America's children.

I think it is clear that to save American lives, we need this legislation. Let's get America swerving in the right direction!


Blogger joeybriglio said...

Maybe you should come to City Council one monday night and pitch that. The City is trying to focus on economic growth.

Just watch your back for MADD.

29 June, 2007 08:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds great.

Did you hear that the Director for MADD in Santa Barbara County got drunk and drove her suburban assault vehicle right off a cliff? This was back when I lived there, so a few years back. Funny, MADD still claimed that she wasn't at all hypocritical and she was great for the cause. yeah, whatever.

but yes, every time I read about a drunk driver, it's always the people that got hit that died, and the drunk driver got a little bump on his head but will be cherry. So, this is an interesting plan.

04 July, 2007 09:28  
Blogger Buddy said...

Jesse for president.

05 July, 2007 13:23  
Blogger yonderincarp said...

I have heard those MADD ladies can be pretty brutal. And sneaky. When are the meetings on Monday? I have some ideas.

When we get this bill passed, maybe we can start an organization called Drunks Against Mad Mothers.

Z - How do they get away with that? Not hypocritical?? I mean, not that we don't all have our moments, but...

Buddy - Only if you'll join the ticket!

10 July, 2007 22:05  

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