16 April 2007

let the conversation continue...

Hey all! Thanks for the digging in a bit on the business of business. Let's continue the conversation here. All's fair. Personal observations, stories, analysis, theory, etc.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

DISCLAIMER: Once again I'm the first one on here. Allow me to assure you that I have no agenda and I may write some things that may not be intended in the literal sense.

Hey, Jesse...this little thread you have here is pretty interesting. You mentioned:

"I wonder if there is a way to keep
this incentive without allowing it to shield individuals or the
community from personal responsibility for what they do, such as polluting, etc"

In the context of a legal body/corporation the responsability lies in the integrity those who are involved(both high and low levels) in the operation whether board members or even those on the labor line.

"Maybe there is a level of
accountability that I am not aware of."

Accountability is exactly the issue at large. It's so easy for people to demonize corporations simply because of publicized scandals of large entities.

However, a corporation is merely a separate legal body (on paper) governed by people. The people that govern the corporation is what makes the body scummy or even philanthropic in nature (which brings about the notion of leadership as mentioned by your uncle).

There are so many different types of corporations. Unfortunately, when the word "corporation" comes up, leftist defenses come up and people automatically assume one is talking about a bunch of ENRON thieves or some plant dumping waste into the marshes.

There are lots of small and large corporations that do very good things as well. We know that the chairman of Microsoft Corporation has his own separate charitable foundation of the same name.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that we need not assume that all corporations are big and are out to make every dollar.

It's just a legal body...which keeps a business owner or partnership separate (in paper) from the operation.

We can look on the receipts or business checks of many small businesses and we'll find that many are separate entities from the owners. It's often typed "blahblah,inc. or "blahblah,LLC." instead of the owner's name which would basically be a personal check.

Rarely we'll find the name of the owner(s) on receipts/business checks. We'll even find that the name of a small business (as posted on the sign) doesn't even have the same name as the name of the corporation although they are all managed by the same leaders.

All this to say that that a separate body creates a nice boundary between the operation and those who set up the system. That way any successes or failures remain separate from their personal identity. However, one shouldn't assume that this gives them the license to act unethically or irresponsibly.

On another note...you might want familiarize yourself with the workings of a LLC.

p.s. I may be heading south this weekend. You're welcome to come and smoke some tasty tobacco compliments of Atman and Beverly Hills Pipe & Tobacco. Also we may hit up Bel Air Pres (church) that Sunday. We went to their Easter service and the ladies are pharmaceutical grade if you still need a prescription.

17 April, 2007 00:45  
Blogger tim said...

here is an article that popped up for me today that may help; although i think it raises more questions than it answers - here

17 April, 2007 10:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may have missed something.

Anyways, thanks for your last few posts on my blog. They've been very enlightening. As you are a decade younger than I (not at all meant as an insult), you give me hope of the younger generation. You have a wonderful, rational thought process, and even when I disagree with something you write, I love reading it.

The thing I especially enjoyed reading was your very last post about our Rights, and also how you talked about censorship by political correctness. Both top notch comments.

18 April, 2007 20:32  
Blogger yonderincarp said...

Tim - Intrigued with where you are going. I guess the question would be : How do you cross-apply open source technology to a business model? Are you imagining a straight technology-based company or using aspects of the open source model in a non-computer-related business? Cool stuff.

Zomb - Sorry... this is an atypical post because it is a continuation of an email conversation between a bunch of folk. Can forward you the emails if you are interested and have an email address...
And thanks, man, again you are way too kind. Actually I really enjoy getting to jump in on your blog. You have a gift for generating intelligent conversation and it is cool how you get so many people from different backgrounds and perspectives interacting intelligently. Always fun.

20 April, 2007 22:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


22 April, 2007 11:57  

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